Grow in God's Love
Students attend a weekly chapel service led by either The Rev. Jack Alvey or Amanda Austin, the Children's Formation Director of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Chapel services are brief, child-centered, and embrace all children as God's children. Each chapel service focuses on a story from the Bible and the prayers we say to ask God to help us grow, learn, and play as we seek to be good friends, eager learners, and disciples of God. Each child receives a special birthday blessing during their birthday week, followed by everyone singing "Happy Birthday."
AEK Morning Prayer
Thank you, Jesus, for this day,
With time for work and time to play.
Than you for your grace and care,
Please be with me everywhere. Amen
Happy Hearts Blessing
We thank the Lord for happy hearts
for rain and sunny weather
we thank the Lord for this, our food
and that we are together. Amen
Johnny Appleseed Blessing
Oh, the Lord is good to me
And so I thank the Lord
for giving me
the things I need
the sun and the rain and the appleseed
The Lord is good to me!
God, Our Father
God, our father (God, our father)
Once again (once again)
For our many blessings (For our many blessings)
Amen (Amen)
AEK Closing Prayer
I believe in God above.
I believe in Jesus' love.
I believe his spirit, too,
comes to teach me what to do.
I believe that I should be
Kind and gentle, Lord like Thee. Amen